5 Tips to Making Local SEO Work for You

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, plays a significant role in determining the success of your business. Local SEO basically refers to search engine optimization that enhances the online presence of your business, making it more visible for searches in your regional or local area.

Most consumers prefer shopping locally and expect to get relevant local results. Failing to make your business more locally visible online might cause your customers with what they would be considered a disservice to them.

Here are 5 Tips to Making Local SEO Work for You:

1. Local Business Citations

Local Business Citations
This is a list of your business details that are derived from relevant national or local directories such as freelance or yelp. Making sure that your bio, logo, contact information, business description, services, prices, and any other relevant information is engaging will help you stand out to your online visitors. It will provide better and consistent data for search engines as well. Put some effort into thoroughly completing the listings, then seek out your relevant business directories to make sure that all your business details are added.

2. Schema Markup

Schema Markup
This is a type of code that is added to your website to help search engines gather more information from your page and directly showcase this information to researcher. Some of the benefits of this local SEO strategy include improving chances of your website being clicked, enhancing your customer experience and giving you an edge over your competitors by providing search engines with better info to use to your benefit. You may consult your developer on how to correctly implement schema markup as it is more on the technical side.

3. Google my Business

Google my Business
GMB is a free service by Google that helps you have control over your online business presence across the entire Google biosphere. It gives you a chance to gain legit reviews from satisfied customers, advertise services, and help users find your business contact information and other updates on your business directly from the search. It is essential that your citations match your GMB info to ensure consistency of information which in turn gives you an opportunity to be ranked well by Google in search results. Managing reviews on google my business will help boost signals that will, in turn, improve your local SEO.

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4. Bing Places

Bing Places
There are those people who do not know how to change their default web browser and therefore think that Google is the same as Bing and other search engines. Consequently, they end up using Bing as their default browser. In the case that your target audience is among these people, it would be beneficial for you and for them to use Bing as your relevant search engine. Search engine optimization is more about website traffic than it is about rankings. Therefore focus more on the Bing route if that’s where your relevant truck is driving at. Also have listings on your Bing places as it will help boost your profile as well as provide accurate info.

5. Domain Names

Domain Names When choosing a domain name, it is advisable that you go for one that is natural, relevant and memorable. Try to avoid exact match domain as it has its own risks such as penalization by Google (which isn’t quite a good thing). If you have successfully managed to use an area for several years, avoid changing unless you are rebranding your business. Changing your domain name will have implications on SEO that should be considered first.


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