There has been an upsurge of YouTube channels lately. It seems like an emerging trend especially among individuals between the ages of 20 and 35 years old. The people within these demographics are coming up with all sorts of topics for their channels ranging from fashion, travel, cooking, and fitness among others. While there are a few that are running these channels for entertainment purposes, a majority are focused on making some money or earning revenue from advertising and brands. It is in line with this reason that YouTube services enable you to easily buy subscribers for your channel. The more you have, the higher the revenue you make. Through these services, you will also learn that there are cost-effective ways through which, you can promote your channel via twitter. Some of them are as below:
1. Post Tweets of Your Channel
You need to first have an active Twitter account. If you already have one, then all you need to do is to post tweets of your channel. Post links that lead to your channel with relevant stories and do so regularly. Your followers will begin noticing the trend and some will click on you YouTube links. If they like your content, they will soon retweeted it, and have their followers view your content hence expanding your audience.
2. Comment on Popular Tweets
If you do not have a large following, you have nothing to worry about. You can still promote your content on other users’ walls. Identify users with popular content and a large following and comment on their posts with your links and some content. Ensure that those users have content related to that of your channel. While not everyone will be interested in your comments, a handful will definitely take notice, reply and even view your content. Just make sure that your comments are catchy.
3. Post Repetitively
Posting once and then sitting back to wait for responses is a complete waste of time. With more than 300 million Twitter users, you expect live updates now and then. Your post will soon disappear in the mass of other users’ posts. You need, therefore, to tweet regularly, but not too many times as to have your tweets marked as spam. You can create a tweeting schedule and have at least three to ten tweets per day promoting your content.
4. Use the Auto Tweet Feature
You will sometimes be very engaged with creating and posting content that you forget about Twitter and other avenues to promote your content. In such a case, there is an auto-tweet feature on YouTube that you can activate. Any time you upload content on YouTube, the links will automatically be posted on your Twitter account. The feature thus saves you the time you’d have to spend posting, but you’ll still need to engage your audience.
5. Engage People on Twitter
Engagement is a vital aspect of any social media site. It is the key to getting your content seen by a large number of people, and having it rank highly on search engines. Posting content and then leaving it at that is not enough. If you want the real following, you need to respond to people’s comments and questions. The more your engagement, the more your channel gets more subscribers.